Mother Teresa, synonymous with compassion and humanitarianism, has left an indelible mark on the world. Her selfless service to the poor and marginalized, particularly in India, has inspired millions. In this blog post, we will delve into Mother Teresa’s life and legacy through a Telugu perspective mother teresa biography in telugu.

Early Life and Education

Born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu in Skopje, Macedonia, in 1910, Mother Teresa joined the Loreto Sisters at the age of 18. She took the name Teresa after Saint Thérèse of Lisieux. After completing her education, she was sent to Calcutta, India, to teach at a Loreto school.

The Calling to Serve the Poor

While teaching in Calcutta, Mother Teresa experienced a profound calling to leave her comfortable life and serve the poorest of the poor. In 1948, she received permission to leave the Loreto Sisters and establish the Missionaries of Charity.

Missionaries of Charity

The Missionaries of Charity began with a small group of 12 women and a home for the dying. The organization has grown into a global network with thousands of volunteers serving in over 130 countries.

Service to the Poor and Marginalized

Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity focused on providing care for the sick, the dying, orphans, and the homeless. Her selfless service to the marginalized earned her widespread recognition and admiration.

Nobel Peace Prize

Mother Teresa received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 in recognition of her humanitarian efforts. She used the prize money to establish a leprosy home in Calcutta.

Criticism and Controversy

While Mother Teresa was revered by many, she also faced criticism for her methods and beliefs. Some questioned her approach to poverty alleviation and her opposition to abortion and contraception mother teresa biography in telugu.

Death and Legacy

At the age of 87, Mother Teresa passed away in 1997. People all throughout the world are still motivated by her legacy. She is remembered for her unwavering commitment to serving the poor and marginalized.


Mother Teresa’s life serves as an example of the strength of empathy and unselfish giving. Through her Missionaries of Charity, she touched the lives of countless people and left an enduring legacy. Her story, told in Telugu, inspires and motivates people to make a difference in the world.


  • When was Mother Teresa born? August 26, 1910, was Mother Teresa’s birthday.
  • What was Mother Teresa’s original name? The original name of Mother Teresa was Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu.
  • Where did Mother Teresa establish the Missionaries of Charity? In Calcutta, India, Mother Teresa founded the Missionaries of Charity.
  • What was Mother Teresa awarded for in 1979? In 1979, Mother Teresa received the Nobel Peace Prize.
  • When did Mother Teresa pass away? The date of Mother Teresa’s passing was September 5, 1997.